Sitemap - 2022 - Standing Up For Something

the reality they stole from us! It’s repulsive, horrifying, and dystopian, a gruesome history of a world run by anti-people

The main result of the year

2 very different outcomes, each 50% likely

The editor of Scientific American is

Is this a legitimate analogy?

There is no government

“…a grotesque spewage of info about official corruption and misconduct that will make the projectile vomiting from The Exorcist look like a mere Satanic loogie in comparison”

Chances are about 90%

Are you saving democracy yet?

Functioning brains are endangered species

Dead civilization

Words fail

We’ve been led by incompetent ignorant psychotic losers since 1991

Raping body and mind

The Global Eponymous Penthouse Forum

I figured it out finally

Some articles I read yesterday

All the fraud and idiocy was obvious

EU europeans and liberal Americans are so funny

A pharmaceutical mafia that intends you no good



These are terrorists

Sharing Johan Eddebo’s posts

More and more I come to believe it’s abject stupidity. Here’s a good argument for it: Justin Trudeau. Or any of the western political class

Hilarious fun and games

Jeffrey Sachs must be a deranged Putin bot America hater! …Amirite?

Skvallerkäring (Swedish, “Gossip Bitch”) witch hunts (conference calls!).

you WILL get us all nuked, because you’re obviously psychotic (updated)

Last Century’s Furniture

Pretty much sums up the entire story, modern world history

consigned to the home for dull dogs

The end of the end of history

What will Russia do?


Liberals. Wow.

We just don’t live in a world without limits

I am “disgusting people who support war”

I was in Berlin December 31st 1989

You SHOULD be scared

Russia has opted for idiocy reversal instead, announced 3 goals:

Actual reality remains completely unrecognizable to most people, due to the maximal reality distortion era we’ve now certainly entered

An abject void of discourse

Everything is corrupt

4000 covid ICU = vaccinate 10 million people?


What is Government?

Orange in hand does not spin on axis through itself while it orbits my elbow or body

Does the moon spin?


Protecting the vulnerable

Droppin an F-bomb

Big Foot

Sequoia National Park

Intelligent, Attractive, Fresh and Good

Vaccines Uber Alles


The new Godzilla of absolute dictatorship by Pharma jackoffs and their bureaucracy of jackoffs

absolute dictatorship of a bunch of pharma jackoffs and their bureaucracy of jackoffs

CDC Director says 75% of omicron deaths are among people with 4 or more comorbidities

Djokovic and Ali: both are resisting being drafted

treat the sick

Diseases of the respiratory system